EDIT: This version contains (many) gamebreaking bugs. Please check out the fixed, full-HD, mobile-friendly version at https://lieu.itch.io/beneath-the-skies-dev-version. I'm happy to be disqualified from the competition: I just want feedback on my game!

Beneath the Skies
is a 1v1 competitive card game about airship combat.


Each player has a deck of 18 dice, 3 of each face.

Games are played best three out of five. (N.B. NOT IMPLEMENTED) At the beginning of a round, each player draws seven cards.

Players take alternating turns. On your turn you can perform one of the following actions: Load, Seek, Strike, or Surface.

You win the round with a successful Strike.

The loser of a round goes first in the next round.


To Load, draw a die.


To Seek, discard a dice. Your opponent must either a) discard a die of the same number from their hand; or b) discard two dice.


To Strike, play any two dice from your hand. Your opponent must dodge your Strike by playing a die from their hand of the same number as one of the dice you played for your Strike.

If your Strike is successful, you win the round. Otherwise, the dice you and your opponent played are discarded.


If there are no dice left in your draw pile, you are Suffocating and you ignore any effect that would cause you to draw dice. You must Surface to refresh your draw pile.

To Surface, shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile.


- Use Seeks to whittle down your opponent, then Strike to finish the job once you have them cornered.

- When your opponent has no/few dice in hand, it's a great time to strike.

- Striking with two of the same die (e.g. ⚅⚅) is much better than striking with two different dice

- Look at your opponent's discard pile to determine the best dice to strike with.


- The original version of the game rules was designed by Chin Kee Yong and licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 International license.

- Thanks to Zhong Yang for visual design, brainstorming, and playtesting.

- Thanks to Julius and Donald for joining me today . A big thanks to Donald in particular, who joined me for many weeknights and has the patience to put up with all my bullshit.

- Thanks to Ilka Grahl for providing the background art.

- Thanks to Hanyang for helping brainstorm the game architecture and for playtesting.

- Thanks to Raymond for playtesting.

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